Why You Should Update Your Workout Routine
As we age, our metabolism slows down. Any snacks or late-night meals that you might have previously been able to consume with impunity now need extra consideration to make sure you stay fit and healthy.
Our priorities likely change too. You might no longer have as much time to devote to your exercise routine as you did when you were in your 20s, but you recognize that it is more important than ever that you keep up the fitness, especially as you age. It is, therefore, no wonder that people over 40 want to put time and effort into fitness routines that genuinely give them a return on their investment. In my latest blog post (link to blog post), I have included some concrete tips on what fitness routines to explore just for you.
But to make sure you see the results of your efforts, you have to remember to not only exercise regularly but to change up your routine from time to time as well. Our bodies are incredible at adapting. The downside to this is that as you progress in your workouts, your body adapts, and if you don't change it up, you might stop seeing results. If you are engaging the same muscles every time you exercise, other muscles can grow weaker, which in turn affects your overall progression.
Repeating the same physical activities over and over again can also become boring in the long run – and when you are bored, it is harder to motivate yourself to exercise. Trying different types of fitness routines helps bring joy into it and keeps your body and mind challenged. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great routine that you can switch up and personalize as much as you want. Below are 4 example workout for you to try out!
Ultimately, the most important gift you can give yourself as you age is regular physical activity. But as you start exercising, remember to change it up every now and again to make sure you see results and stay motivated.
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
Set your time for 5 minutes and complete the list below as many times as possible. After you are done take a 60 second break and go into the next list.
Circuit #1
30 mountain climbers total
5 pushups
10 reverse lunges/side
10 tricep dips (off of your stairs)
10 second side plank hold right side
10 second side plank hold left side
20 squats
Circuit #2
30 speed skaters total
5 inchworm to push-up
10 side lunges/side
10 plank shoulder taps total
10 plank toe taps
30 second squat hold
Remember warm up (30 seconds jumping jacks, run up an down your stairs three times, ect) and a cool down (consisting of stretching) is a very important component of your workouts.
30 seconds per exercise 4-8 times through the list.
Jumping Jacks (or step jacks)
Alternating reverse lunges
Plank hold
Bird Dog
Mountain Climbers
Glute Bridge hold
Remember warm up (30 seconds jumping jacks, run up an down your stairs three times, ect) and a cool down (consisting of stretching) is a very important component of your workouts.
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest 4 times through each list
Circuit #1-Push Ups, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers
Circuit #2- Squats, Reverse Lunges, Skaters
Circuit #3- V Sit hold, Plank Hold, Dead Bug, Glute Bridge Hold
Remember warm up (30 seconds jumping jacks, run up an down your stairs three times, ect) and a cool down (consisting of stretching) is a very important component of your workouts.
Grab two Dice!
Set your timer for 20 minutes! Roll one dice and it will tell you the exercise that you are doing. Roll two dice to get the number of reps. For example; First roll with one dice is 5, second roll with two dice is 4+3. You exercise would be scissor hops (number 5) and you will be doing 7(4+3) per side of them. Continue roll the dice after each exercise to get the next one until your timer is up!
1=high knees per side
2=squats total
3=push ups total
4=30 second rest
5=scissor hops per side
6= skaters per side
Remember warm up (30 seconds jumping jacks, run up an down your stairs three times, ect) and a cool down (consisting of stretching) is a very important component of your workouts.